What I’m about to describe is a conflict as old as humanity itself.
Being an avid comic book reader, I tend to enjoy reading Batman comics the most. The villains are gritty and the hero and his pain are relatable.
Two-face has always been a villain I enjoyed when he was written about correctly. One of the city's best prosecutors who couldn't be corrupted by the system/world around him finally flipped and became a criminal himself.
The world is in a constant flux between the things we think are good and the things we think are bad. In my own opinion, I don’t know if the world is clear-cut as good and bad. I think good and bad are from a certain perspective and ultimately what might determine your perspective or outlook on life originates from your character/heart.
Most days I struggle to determine whether I’m a good person trying to be bad or a bad person trying to be good. There are moments when I think of wanting to do the most detestable things and there is another side of me that finds that part of me inhuman and condemnable. But on the flip side, I want to be selfless and help others and there is a selfish part of me that finds that sort of kindness illogical and stupid.
The question of whether human nature is inherently good or bad has been debated by philosophers, psychologists, and religious thinkers for centuries. There is no definitive answer, as different perspectives may have different criteria for what constitutes good or bad behavior, morality, or ethics. Some may argue that human nature is essentially good and that humans are born with an innate sense of empathy, compassion, and altruism. Others may contend that human nature is fundamentally bad and that humans are driven by selfishness, aggression, and greed. Still others may suggest that human nature is neither good nor bad, but rather a complex mixture of both, influenced by various factors such as biology, culture, environment, and free will.
The key word there is free will.
Free will is both a problem and a solution. It creates and destroys itself constantly like the mythical Ouroboros snake devouring itself from the tail and being reborn from the head.
I think ultimately people need to wake up and decide whether they will be the head or the tail. Some people are tails’ on the weekend but heads’ during the week but it's up to people.
And it's up to me as well. I’m either Harvey Dent or Two-Face. The same coin with 2 sides but I choose.